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Summer school SECOVE and residential workshop - Sa Duchessa -

  •  To Assess, promote and exchange practices, methods and governance schemes essential to guarantee an inclusive approach to VET – by ensuring inclusion in accession, tutoring and follow up of VET paths also for the most disadvantaged groups;
  •  To monitor inclusiveness and attractiveness practices in VET providers
  •  To improve VET attractiveness for girls and women, with specific reference to technical qualifications and specifically to those developed within the current initiative
  •  To issue sensitive recommendations on the policy and governance level, as well as on the level of teachers and trainers’ competences and methods setting the basic conditions and requisites to grant equal access, treatment and support to all target groups accessing VET paths.

The workshop "Sa Duchessa" of the summer school is in hosted by UNICASA, A project of the University of Cagliari, Prof. Carlo Atzeni.
Scientific-didactic coordination Sapienza Erasmus + Sustainable Energy Center of Vocational Excellence: Prof. Edoardo Currà.
Pdf call attached

Sign up and participate in summer school

The preliminary meeting are open, you can register directly on the spot and fill out the attendance forms. The summer school is reserved by students in “Ingegneria edile-architettura” who are enrolled in at least the fifth year of the program and have earned at least 180 cfu significantly including subjects related to architecture and construction, or graduate students. The workshop requires an additional registration to be made before July 21, 2024.
Please fill out the google form at the following link: Selection will be done in accordance with requirements submission time, and gender inclusion clause.
The list of those admitted to the workshop will be communicated directly to interested parties by July 22.

Data notizia


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